Chicken · Daily Thoughts · Meats · Uncategorized

Chicken Croquettes

Years ago, in the 70’s, before I married, I had a roommate, Sheila Waterman. She was a teacher and I worked for the government. We spent lots of Friday nights, sitting in our apartment, wondering why all the guys were not flocking to our door, to take us out on dates.  When we would get paid at the beginning of the month, we would go crazy buying  all sorts of great food that would last us about a week or so. By the end of each month, we dined on vermicelli, boiled cabbage or mac & cheese. But the first of the month, oh boy, did we have some great meals. One of those great recipes that Sheila made were these chicken croquettes.  We would sit and visit over this great meal and laugh at our feeble attempts at how we would try to get certain guys attentions and tell ourselves, “wow,if they could see how good we cooked, they would be lining up outside the door.”  In reality, looking back, it was probably all the great meals that kept us both in  one piece bathing suits, while the other girls who lived at the apartment complex were sitting out there flirting with the guys in their two piece cute little suits that wouldn’t cover a 3 yr old, much less a 20 year old. But…don’t feel sorry for us. After a year or so, we both met guys that ended up marrying us.  Neither of our marriages lasted, but this recipe….it has lasted through the years.

I wish you could see the stains on the recipe card that this recipe is written on. Isn’t it great to hold these little gems and think back over the years of times you have made a certain recipe and the memories that come flooding back? Maybe it is the rain this morning, or the fact that we have been cooped up in our home for 2 weeks that has given us time to just reminisce over things we haven’t thought about in years. I know it is not written in the usual way of how recipes are given to us today, but I’m going to write it just as it appears on the recipe card.

Melt 3 tables butter. Blend in 1/4 cup flour. Add 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup chicken broth. Over low heat, stir continually until mixture is thickened. Stir one minute before removing from heat. Add 1 tablespoon dried parsley, 1 teas lemon juice, 1 teas onion flakes, 1/4 teas each of : salt, paprika, nutmeg and pepper.

Add 1 1/2 cups finely diced chopped chicken. Chill in refrigerator thoroughly. At least 2 hours, covered.

With wet hands, shape mixture into balls, using about 1/4 cup of the mixture for each ball.  Roll in 3/4 cup Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs or fine crushed bread crumbs. Dip in beaten egg then the bread crumbs again. Fry in hot oil in skillet until all sides are golden brown. Drain on paper towel until ready to serve.

Sheila and I like to think it was this recipe and her fresh spinach with cheese sauce that got us both a repeat date, but it was probably the fact that we were the only ones left without dates that weekend that got us both a second change to show just what great catches we were. At least we like to think of it that way.

Daily Thoughts · Uncategorized

Through It All

Well, if you are like us, you are probably about 7-9 days into being stuck in the house, oops, I mean, being blessed to be privileged with your precious husband, and/or kids/or both.  For some reason, when I got up this morning, the old song, sung by Ray Boltz but written by Andre Crouch, Through It All, was running through my mind:

‘I’ve had many tears and sorrows

I’ve had questions for tomorrow

There’re been times, I didn’t know right from wrong

But in every situation, God gave blessed consolation

That my trials come to only make me strong.

Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus I’ve learned to trust in God, Through it all, I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.

I’ve been to lots of places, and I’ve seen a lot of faces, There’ve been times I felt so all alone, but in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus let me know that I was His own. Through it all, yes, through it all, I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.’

This great song just keeps going through my mind as we wake again each day not knowing how long this trial and difficult time will last. But….we need to also remember that Joy Comes In the Morning!

This morning as i sat and watched GMA for a few minutes while drinking my Dr Pepper, it was just so sweet to see families who were coming together in ways that they had not done previously. As I sat there and watched, I was struck by the memories of years ago when my daughter came back from a very difficult time in our lives. She and I would sit and think about those hard years but also for what those hard years taught each of us. As she and I looked back at that time, we both, were thankful for the things we learned about each other and about relationships and the work that it takes to grow them and to allow each other grace. That was what I thought about this morning as I watched these precious families on TV. The laughter that was coming from the homes. The closeness and the togetherness that was so evident. Yes, we will all be so thankful when these hard and difficult days are behind us. But….may we come out on the other side being different people. People who are grateful for the little things, once again. People whose hearts are bent toward showing thankfulness and grace and enjoying others. For  awhile after 911 churches were filled and Bibles were being read. That didn’t last very long. My prayer is that this time, we will truly learn that the things we are experiencing are hard; but they are good in that it is teaching us to look through the eyes of others. To appreciate people and to share our hearts and God’s love and kindness to people.

Truly, may we never forget…….never!

Through it all, I’ve learned to trust in God!


Cakes · Daily Thoughts · Fruit · Uncategorized

Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes

We have a winner folks. These cupcakes are truly decadent, light, flavorful, beautiful, sunshine in your mouth wonderful!  Everyone who has had one, (and so far that is about 50, (two different times of baking them and taking them to different places) has told me that this is their new favorite flavor of cupcake, or cake, that I have made. The first time i made it, was in a cake with cream cheese frosting for the filling and then wrapped it in whipped cream. As that is, to me, the best way to enjoy anything, (wrapped in whipping cream) these cupcakes just are so light and fluffy, that you could eat 5 of them in one sitting. I wish I could say it is because we have great will power to not do that, but the truth of the matter is, that we are in “stay at home” mode due to the CV. I don’t want to run out of eggs, or flour, which I am being told is very hard to find right now. So thankful I had bought a 10 lb bag  of flour last time I went to the store and 36 eggs. Because I make a shake pretty much every morning for breakfast with frozen blueberries I usually always have frozen blueberries in the freezer so when I began to think yesterday what I would bake, these came to mind, as the sun finally came shining through the kitchen window after about eleven days. So in honor of the beautiful sunshine, lemon blueberries were the baked good of the day.

1 Duncan Hines or Pillsbury lemon cake mix

1 small box of lemon instant pudding mix (yesterday I only had french vanilla pudding mix so used that.)

4 eggs, room temperature

1/2 cup oil

1/2 cup water mixed with 1/2 cup lemon juice=1 cup liquid

1 cup frozen blueberries or pint of fresh blueberries, sprinkled with a little flour to keep them from sticking together in batter. (sprinkle about 1/8 cup or 2-3 tablespoons over the blueberries and stir flour to just coat them)

Mix all ingredients, except for blueberries for 2 minutes.  Stir in the blueberries just until they are mixed in well.  Do not stir much. Using large cookie scoop, fill cupcake liners and bake until the tops of cupcakes still have a little shine. Cupcakes continue to bake because of the hot cupcake pan, so you need to always take them out when there is still a little shine on the top and they are soft to the touch. This keeps you from making a dry cupcake.

Remove from pan and continue until all the batter is used. . This recipe makes 28 cupcakes if you use the large cookie scoop.  Cool and Frost.


3  1/2 cups of powdered sugar

1 stick unsalted butter, softened

4 oz cream cheese, softened

Whipping cream to thin or milk if you prefer. Takes only about 1/3 cup , (but add this gradually by tablespoons so it doesn’t get to think) to get frosting to spreading consistency.  Add by tablespoon if you need a little more.

Mix all together and continue to mix until frosting is very light and fluffy. Frost cupcakes ( or cake if you have made this into a 9×13 cake). Store in refrigerator, covered.


Daily Thoughts · Uncategorized

Praying In The Parking Lot

As so many of us have been ordered to stay home as of yesterday, I thought this precious testimony would remind us that God loves us personally and sometimes sends others into our lives to not only bless us, but to be a blessing to others. When I received this today in my email from a precious friend, it made me cry. It convicted me, first of all, of the times when I felt that nudging from the Holy Spirit to go and be obedient to get out of my comfort zone and pray for someone or at least go and see how I could encourage them. We never know what others are going through. They might be struggling physically, spiritually or, as we will certainly be seeing in these coming days, financially. But God… still here and still loves us and still wants to bless us. So many times we think that blessings should always be financially, or health related or have things that make our lives joyful and pleasant. But blessings can come in many forms. As this story will tell us, 3 lives were blessed this day because of one women’s obedience.  The blessing  was for one lady, the chance to be used of God to bless another. The recipient was blessed to know that God cared enough and loved her enough to send someone to just encourage her. The 3rd lady, the “witness” of this event, was blessed by seeing how God orchestrated this to show her friend that God was still in the business of loving and caring for His own. I am using just the initial of the lady telling the story, as she does not want the focus to be on her. We will just call her S. This is her testimony…

“My Dear Praying Princesses,

I miss you a lot and hope that you are safe and protected under the shadow of His wings, in spite of all that is happening around us. I am so sorry that I missed last Thursday’s prayer time with you, but your prayers still resound in my heart.

I wanted to share with you something that happened to me last Wednesday, March 11th at my local Aldi store, 2 days before the President declared the National Emergency. I was shopping for my weekly groceries, just the essentials and there were not many customers in the store. I was weighed down with my own financial worries, school closing and trying to find healthy food for the kids. I was standing behind a middle-aged woman (must be in her 60’s) at the checkout line and she was having a hard time taking items out of the cart. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask her if I could help put her items on the counter. She said, “yes” and showed me her left hand which was bent. She told me she had a problem with her hands that she could not move her fingers. She could not drive and her friend had brought her to the store.

I remembered Sister Cora’s prayers and Sister Kathy’s story about comforting strangers in our daily life and the Holy Spirit whispered to me in clear words to pray for her. My automatic reaction was…”no Lord, not today…I have so many things to worry about.”

I spent the next 5 minutes ignoring the voice of God within me and hoping that I would be done with my checkout soon but the Lord delayed the cashier for another 5 minutes. We both checked out, the lady was still inside the store bagging her groceries and as I was putting my groceries in my car, I started arguing with God. That is never a good thing because that opened the door for the devil to join in the conversation. I told Jesus that I will pray for her silently in my car, but the Lord said a firm, “NO”, I want her to know that you are praying for her. I want you to lay your hands on her and pray in my Name.” The devil reminded me of the virus, the social distancing, the 6 feet apart rule, worst case what if she is an unbeliever. And a whole list of reasons why this was a bad idea. The Lord replied that we were both protected from the virus by the power of His blood. That shut up the devil. While I had been arguing with the Lord about this, I felt the Lord speak to me that she was His daughter too and that we both will be protected by His blood.

SO  I waited in my car, waiting for her and her friend to come out so I could pray over her in the parking lot where I wouldn’t be too embarrassed if this did not go well. She came out of the store, helped by her friend and amazingly, they had parked their car near mine…I only had to walk 5 steps. (I love how God directed even this small detail).

Finally, I pick up my courage and walk up to them and blurt out something like this. “excuse me Mam, I am a Christian and I belong to this prayer group of Sisters and the Lord has asked me to pray for your hands. Is that ok?” The lady just burst into tears, grabbed both my hands and cried, “YES, YES, Thank you Jesus. I have been a Christian missionary all my life. I have 12 kids and I am suffering because of my hands.” I don’t remember what exactly I prayed, but just that morning, I had listened to a sermon about how Jesus healed the man with the withered hand in the Synagogue on the Sabbath day. I let the Holy Spirit take over my mouth. I prayed for her hands, her family, the promises of Psalm 91 over her for protection  against the virus and I blessed her in the powerful and Almighty name of Jesus.  Her name was Claudia and she was so happy and cried tears of joy.

Claudias’ friend who also joined in my prayers was also in tears and told me “you picked the most deserving and the best person to pray for, she really needed this today. Thank you”.

I went back to my car, fighting back my own tears and ask the Lord for forgiveness for not obeying Him promptly.  I was so busy swimming in my own pool of self-pity and selfishness, that I would have missed the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. Almost missed the chance to be His voice and His hands, in such a time as this.”

What a great testimony and encouragement for us to be salt and light to a very hurting world right now.

As we have this fresh in our minds may we stop and ponder what all the Lord is trying to tell us!

May we all be reminded to surrender our days to Him and even now, with the restrictions in place for so many of us to not leave our homes, we need to remember that we serve a God whose ways are not restricted by anything. He can and does move in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. He is the Great I am.

In listening to a sermon yesterday by Jim Cymbala from Brooklyn Tabernacle in NY city, we heard the Pastor preach on Ezekiel 29  and how the Israelites were turning to Egypt for security in the hard and uncertain times. As a nation, are we doing the same?  In God’s Word, Egypt is a symbol for worldliness, are we turning to everything that should be helping this virus stop? Car manufacturers making surgical masks, distilleries making hand sanitizer? Businesses closing for social distancing? What if we looked to the One thing that could actually stop this? The God who could stop this in the blink of an eye. What if, as one people, we acknowledged our sin and bowed the knee before Him asking Him to forgive us for throwing Him out of our government, our families, our schools and invite Him into our lives again? Are we better than the Israelites who kept rebelling against Him and going after other gods? Why do we think that God will not look upon our sin, as He did with His own people?

Yes, we do need to thank God for a government that is trying it’s best to help our Nation and leaders who are trying to stay on top of this awful virus.  We are grateful for companies who are going the extra mile in developing the needed supplies.

Yet, God loves us and desires our love and obedience to Him.

May Ezekiel 36 26 be our prayer in this time of needing to come back to our first love…

“And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new obedient heart. and I will put my spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatsoever I command.”

Verse 37 -38″This is what the Sovereign Lord says, I am ready to hear your prayers for these blessings and I am ready to grant them their requests. I will multiply them like the sacred flocks that fill Jerusalem’s streets at the time of her festivals. The ruined cities will be crowded with people once more and everyone will know that I am the Lord.”

I know this is a very long post today, but the Lord laid upon my heart to share these words, that they may bless you and encourage you to be a blessing to anyone He puts on your heart, even today.


Chocolate · Daily Thoughts · Desserts · Uncategorized

Chocolate Fudge Pie

Today, another rainy beginning to this new normal of everyone working from home and kids being home schooled as well as parents trying to teach, and learn right along with them, while still trying to do what is necessary to bring in a pay check. These are difficult days, and challenging times when we all have to step up and change what we have been doing. What do we do to still serve when so many are confined to their homes? This week, when we began to hear about seniors being ask to self quarantine, I began to think of ways that I could help serve them.  What should be my part in stepping out of my comfort zone to share God’s love by meeting the needs of those who are seniors? As I was sharing these thoughts with Randy the other night, he watched me and listened to what I had to say. Then without a moments hesitation, the minute I ask him what he thought I should do, he smiled at me and said, “uh do you realize that in a couple of months you will be 70 and you are suppose to be one of those who are to self quarantine for awhile?” WHAT……but, wait a minute. That thought never crossed my mind that I am considered old. When did that happen? Quickly I responded to him, that because I eat garlic almost everyday and enough chocolate to ward off most bacterias, I should be able to hang a garlic bulb around my neck and get out there among the true old folks. Why I’m still young because I  still wear cute little blingy sandals and capris (even though these cute little capris might have elastic waistbands) and wear loop earrings that could easily be mistaken for “tapers”. And….I teach other people how to use their phones. So truly, I can’t be considered someone who needs to stay at home…? But because so many stores and restaurants are closed down, I haven been forced to spend more time at home than normal. It is allowing me time to work on another book, which will be called Tis So Sweet and is full of dessert recipes and stories of women who are willing to share how God has been faithful in difficult circumstances in their lives. Also, I have been baking a little more than normal, which means that instead of making a dessert each day, I’m now making two or three. It is fun to share food with others. Last night I made up a recipe that actually turned out really good. Was so easy and simple and I had everything on hand so no trip to the store was necessary. It was a baked chocolate fudge pie that we ate watching a really good movie on Netflix.  That is Randy’s job each night. To find us a good movie that is fun to watch and family friendly so that we can recommend to others without fear of it being full of foul language or sexual content. So far, he is batting a thousand. Two for two. Tues night we watched Faith, Hope and Love and last night we enjoyed a little french film called French Toast.  Darling movie. Here is the easy peasy recipe for a great chocolate fudge pie for you to up your immune system…at least that is what I tell myself when I am cutting a big piece and topping it with whipped cream.

1 bought chocolate oreo cookie crust

1 bar (4 oz) of semi sweet baking squres

1 stick (8 oz) unsalted butter

1 teas vanilla

1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups sugar

1/3 cup flour

1/2 cup finely chopped pecans

1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut

Melt the chocolate with the butter over low heat. When butter and chocolate are melted, remove from heat and stir in the can of milk. Set aside. In a medium bowl, stir the sugar, eggs, and flour together until smooth. Add the cooled chocolate and vanilla. Stir in the pecans and coconut and pour into the pie shell. The pie shell won’t hold all of this. With the left over mixture, I placed two chocolate chip cookies in the bottom of a small loaf pan and poured the rest of the mixture over them and baked them right along with the pie.  Bake in preheated 350 oven until knife inserted comes out clean. Cool and top with whipped cream.

Keep covered in fridge. Was even better the second night.

Daily Thoughts · Uncategorized

Artificial Light

Isn’t it amazing how the Lord puts an idea in our hearts when we least expect it? This morning as I turned on a light that I  have turned on for the last 8 months each morning on my way to the kitchen, this thought immediately came to my mind….artificial light! Then walking into the kitchen, because that thought had clearly been given to me, I knew the Lord had put that little phrase in my mind, to then go and write this story.

When we were in Italy last summer, we began to look at places online. We knew where we wanted to live and so the search began. About once a week or more, I would go online to search out the possible places that would be available in July , back in Dallas, in our price range. Because we had friends who were living in the area where we wanted to be, they had told us that they would be on the look out for lease places which came up. One day, as I looked, the place where we are now living appeared on the search. Showing Randy the pictures of the place, it looked like something that we would love and we called our friend who not only had been looking here for us, but was also a realtor. Jack called us back and told us that he would contact the realtor and get the details. Well, from the pictures on line we saw that it was light and bright and had a great kitchen and a large living room. It was in our price range and we grabbed it. We were able to move right in when we moved back in July. The day we walked in to see it in person for the first time, we noticed that it wasn’t as light and bright as the pictures that we had seen on In fact, it was obvious that they had brought some professional lighting in to make the pictures look bright and sunny. In fact, the condo is in the corner of a building so it never gets direct sun in the living area, which causes the living room to be quite dark with only one corner window.  As we walked through the condo, I kept telling myself, ‘well, I can just use a lot of lamps and so the lack of windows won’t bother me.” The furniture arrived a few days later and we began to unpack. My son, Jamin, came over that same day and as he walked through, it was obvious that he didn’t like the place. That evening i texted him and told him I could tell he didn’t like it. He texted back to me, “mom, it’s not that I don’t like it, it is just that I know you and what a window person you are. You are not going to be happy in that dark house.” I assured him that I would just use all the little lamps that I have and always keep them on so it will be light. He told me that that was well and good, but I was still not going to like  not having windows and sun, like I had always been use to. Well, we had a two year lease that we had signed before seeing it in person and it was just going to have to be ok.

It is now 8 months down the road and I have to admit that it has been difficult to adjust to never seeing the sun out the living room window. The room is dark, in spite of the lamps. But it has also been a great reminder of so many times in my life that I have tried to substitute artificial sun for the real Son. When difficulties come, as they do, or circumstances arise that are beyond my control, what do I use for my strength, or my power? Am I looking to other things that try to grab my attention or stir my thoughts and affections off of the true “light”?  When days become monotonous or ordinary, what do I turn to? In these challenging days of trying to adjust to the new normal until this crisis passes us by, what is taking the Son’s place in our homes and lives?

As I look around this pretty dark room today, and with the rain, the 6 lamps that are turned on at this very moment, it is still very dark. But…..when my heart focuses on Him and I turn my thoughts to God, this room seems a little brighter to me. I take my focus off of me and turn it to Him and surrender my day and how I can reach out to others. Automatically, the room begins to lighten.

Isn’t it amazing how the true pure light of Christ can brighten up any corner of not just a room, but our hearts as well.  In this trying time, let’s keep our thoughts, our hearts and our minds on the true source of light…Jesus Christ. The dark days of confusion, fear and challenges will become a little brighter.

John 8:12 ” When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Lord, may I quit trying to fill my life with artificial light ,the things of this world that vie for our attention but look to the true source of light, Jesus Christ.  May my mind and heart stay on You and my mind be filled with “whatsoever things are pure, of good report and true” that I will think of these things each moment. Use me to share Your love and gospel to those who are hurting and needing  You. In Jesus Name, Amen

Chicken · Daily Thoughts · Meats · Uncategorized

Slow Cooker Mississippi Chicken

Yesterday was a great day. In spite of all the craziness and fear around, some friends and I opted to meet in Peggy’s house for lunch and to play cards….what a wonderful afternoon. Cindy, one of the friends who joined us was caring for her 8 month old granddaughter and brought her along. We all took turns holding the baby while eating and playing cards. Brought back so many memories of doing that every day. Was such a sweet time together. Peggy, who is a wonderful cook and is always serves such great food passed us all a copy of this recipe. Because this is such a wearisome time, I thought it was the perfect day to share this as it is taken from the Wearychef. Peggy told us that it is such a great recipe and when I sent to some of our kids, Christi responded that this was already one of their favorite recipes and makes me quite often. So, if you are like me and had not heard of it…here it is.

Serves 8

3 lbs boneless chicken breasts (or thighs)

1 packet of au jus gravy mix

1 packet ranch dressing mix

1 stick (8 tables) butter

6-8 peperoncini peppers

Add chicken breasts (or thighs) to the bottom of the slow cooker. Sprinkle both packets of the seasonings on top of the chicken. Top with the stick of butter and the peppers.

Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours.When it’s ready, take a couple of forks and shred the chicken.

Serve over rice, noodles or potatoes. For a low carb meal, serve over riced cauliflower.



Cowboys, Pearls and Jerky

A repost from 2013 in case you need to read something other than about the “C” word today! Hope it brings a smile to your heart!

It is good to be home. Good to be able to have big hair, sunshine, no wind or humidity and not a Tex-Mex restaurant to be found, to tempt me every day and gain back every pound I had lost to go to Texas. It was good to come home before I had to buy a second seat just to fly home. From the time I landed in Texas, it was rainy and windy so my hair was flat and straight the entire time. Didn’t take an umbrella so my clothes were wet and wrinkled. If you are like me, you are always hoping that you will look good for the people you don’t get to see but a couple of times a year, so I was so excited about having lost a few pounds before getting there only to be disappointed that no one was noticing the weight I had lost, all they saw was that my hair looked, “just awful”…really, awful….so much so, that I only went to stores and restaurants that I knew I wouldn’t run into anyone I might know. It was embarrassing and I didn’t want them to think, “poor thing, she moved away to California and look what she has become, a left over hippie with straight flat hair and wrinkled clothes” After a week of having the worst hair, I bought a hair clip to pull it back, only to have it make my face look like I had gained about 30 pounds. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to come home and have fluffy hair that was still a little fluffier than my rear end and I didn’t have to wear a sign that said, “I don’t always look like this” around my neck. The sign got wet from the rain, and the word “don’t” disappeared. The sign now read, “I always look like this”. Coming home couldn’t get here fast enough.

Posted at 10:26 am by Chocolate Castles

Before coming back, I flew to Houston and stayed a couple of days with friends, Cathy and Cindy, (twin sisters, who I have known for 33 years) which treated me to some of the best food around Texas. We had Tex-Mex 3 times and seafood from Monument Inn. Isn’t it wonderful how you can see friends who you haven’t seen in a couple of years and the friendship just picks right up just like you had been together every week. Friendships that make you forget about flat, wet hair are the friendships that we treasure our entire lives.

Since it was Rodeo days in Texas, while I was driving from Houston to Corpus, I passed the group of cowboys in covered wagons pulled by horses. This is the annual Trail Ride that happens every year and ends up at the Rodeo. I had lived in Texas for 60 years and had never happened upon this sight. It was exciting to be driving down the highway and look over and see this huge group of people riding along on wagons or horses. It was really such a treat to be able to say I had seen them; had read the write up and saw pictures in Southern Living Magazine, but never in person. Made me want to pull into the next truck stop for smoked beef jerky and chew on that, driving down the highway: so that’s what I did….I just hope none of the old Northwood Women’s Club members were driving down that same highway. I can only imagine what they would have thought seeing me chewing on beef jerky,  waving and yelling “ye haw” out my window to the cowboys in their covered wagons, with flat, straight hair. My only saving grace was that hopefully, they would have seen that no matter the hair, the yelling and the beef jerky, I still had on  my earrings and pearls. To Texas Women’s groups, you can get away with a lot as long as you are wearing pearls and earrings, matching pearls and earrings, that is.

Tomorrow, will resume the chocolate recipes till the end of the month. Share a recipe and a smile….Trudy

Daily Thoughts · Uncategorized

Friends & Funerals

You must be thinking by the title of this post that it will be a downer to read, but that is not my intention! Today sitting and honoring a dear lady that I truly did not know well but wanted to honor her life!

As I sat there and listened to the minister that did know her well, a sadness crept over me! Yes I realize that is normal for being at a funeral, but this was different. It was a sadness that made me want to change my outlook and my everyday living of how I see people! As we sat there and heard stories of Carols life and the person she truly was, why did I not know all this? The answer to that questions is truly very simple! I never took the time or trouble to find out! As it brought so many memories about my dad and how I never gave him a real chance to be involved in my life, it all came back that I have lived so many years with always just being drawn to folks that I felt were just like me. Loud, impulsive, excited about every adventure that comes, sometimes (and this is hard to admit) “surfacy”, always ready for fun and games, wanting to be involved in everything around! And those are my good qualities! Don’t think you are ready to hear about my bad ones! But looking back because Carol seemed quiet to me when I saw her at church, I figured that she would not enjoy a person like myself, because she appeared more serious that I am! Had I got to know her, I would have found that she was truly a lady who lived and loved adventure! She ran marathons, loved the beach, loved to travel and did so quite often! She was a nurse and loved children and worked in the children’s dept at church for years! She went up in a hot air balloon! But most of all, she was a sweet servant to her precious family and loved the Lord! kIn fact, it was her kindness and faithfulness that won her husband to the Lord, just by watching how she lived. Why is it that because others may seem different than us, we tend to think that we don’t need to take the time to really know them! We are content with passing by with a simple hi and how are you and always  gather to the friends who we have already connected! Maybe the quiet one in the corner is content to not have to be the center of attention, but is still quite entertaining, if given the opportunity.

This was our  morning devotion this morning and seems so reverent to what I am trying to say.

*taken from The Passion Code by O.S. Hawkins

“Only “one of them returned” Luke 17:15 in thanksgiving. This leper, like the others, had a family to get back to, a business to tend to, but something was more pressing. We are not told his name. He belongs to that vast throng who live their beautiful lives and preform their selfess deeds in often anonymous ways. We may not know his name, but he is shouting to us today. “get back to Jesus. Be grateful. Give thanks for all He has done for you.”

This scripture and devotion portrays the life that Carol lived. She lived in purpose. To serve, give thanks for God’s goodness and by her actions and life, shouted to so many lives, “get back to Jesus. Be grateful and give thanks for all He has done for you.”

Carol, It is my regret that I did not get to know you better. But will one day walk the streets of gold with you and will then thank you for living for Your King and Savior. I bet you have already heard Him tell you, “well done, good and faithful servant.”  

Desserts · Fruit · Pies · Uncategorized

Blueberry-Banana Creme Pie

Why I don’t make this more often, I cannot tell you…wait a minute, yes I can. IF I made it very often, I would weight 50 lbs more than I do now. This is one of Randy’s favorite desserts. So because he has requested something different than cookies I have  been making all week, I decided to surprise him this evening with this. It is really simple to make and is such a crowd pleaser. If you like blueberries and bananas, you are going to love this.

1 package Pepperidge Farm Chessman cookies

2 medium banans

1 can of blueberry pie filling

1 recipe of vanilla pudding (I make mine, but if you are in a hurry and don’t want to make your own, buy the small size of french vanilla instant pudding and make it according to the directions.

1/2 pint of whipping cream or Cool Whip (if you have followed my blog for any length of time, you will know that Cool Whip is WAY down on my list of toppings, but for calories sake or ease, I know that lots of folks use it. And when my dr tells me to either quit using real whipped cream and butter, or have heart surgery, I guess I will start using Cool Whip also)


If you make your own pudding, do it first and set it aside while preparing the other steps.

This is recipe I use for the pudding

2 cups whole milk

1/4 cup plus 1 table flour

1/2 cup plus1 tables sugar

2 egg yolks

tiny pinch of salt

1 teas vanilla

1 tables butter

Combine all ingredients except vanilla and butter. Using a whisk, whisk the ingredients all together in a medium saucepan until all lumps are gone over medium heat. Continue using the whisk as you cook the pudding until pudding is thick. When it is thick, remove from the heat and add the vanilla and butter and stir until butter is melted. Set aside and let cool for about 30 minutes.

Line a dish with about 12 of the chessman cookies.  Pour the cooled pudding mix over them. Set this in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Remove from fridge and slice two banana over the pudding mix. Spoon the blueberry pie filling over the top of the bananas. Set in fridge for about an hour to finish cooling. Add the whipped cream that you have whipped with sugar or the Cool Whip Sprinkle about 4 or 5 of the Chessman cookies which you have crushed with a rollin pin in a bag over the top of the cream.

Set in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Cover leftovers or if you aren’t planning to serve it now, keep covered in the fridge until serving time.  Snack on the remaining Chessman cookies while you make dinner or keep for another day when you don’t have any of this dessert left and you are wanting a buttery cookie to go with coffee or tea.