
The Church Being the Church

As Randy and I sat waiting for worship to begin this morning, I began to just listen to some of the things I heard going on around me. As I listened to these conversations I began to get tears in my eyes realizing that everything going on around me is indeed the church. Church is singing and giving all glory to our Creator! Church is hearing Gods Word taught to us each week! Church is a Quiet time of reflection that hopefully points us in the direction to see and know God for Who He is!

Today we celebrated our Victory in Jesus while partaking of the Lords Supper. As I grow in years, this sacrament becomes more special and meaningful to me! It is such a reminder of His great love and sacrifice that was made on Calvary for all of us! But as I said at the beginning of this post, today I began to reflect on what the church means to me and the blessing it is to me! I came away more thankful today than I have felt in a long time. Maybe it is because we had so many months of not being able to attend in Person or maybe I just simply have taken for granted for a long time what God has given to us in regards to The Church. Before church began this morning, it was so great to visit with friends who visited with us and as we talked we planned our next get together.

Today the Church was riding on the elevator with sweet new friends who shared that the wife will need another surgery for removal of cancer and she ask for prayer!

The Church was a lady standing right in Front of me introducing a young man to one of our ministers and assuring this young man that questions he had could be answered! The Church was watching people go over and hug a lady whose husband had died and just loving on her! The Church was seeing 20 people baptized this morning! The Church was visiting with a lady I had not talked to in a while and finding out her neighbor needed prayer regarding a possible move to Tennessee! The Church was having several on our single lady friends come sit over by us and ask how we were doing and how my birthday went. The Church today was old friends who used to live by us stand and visit with us and assure us we need to have dinner soon! The Church was gathering with our small group and hearing Gods Word taught and met a couple who were new to our group! Yes the Church is instituted by God for iour praise and worship and to grow spiritually in our walk with God. But it is so so much more!

Us. God gave us the Church because of His great love for us! As I walked out of the building that was built for us to gather together in His Name this morning, I realized just how blessed we truly are! That the Church being the church would allow us to have “The Church” every day no matter where we are, whether we are in the building or in our own part of our world! The Church is just that. it is people bonded together by the Holy Spirit that gives us so much more than just being able to sit and listen to a sermon and sing a few songs in a building, (Those are just the frosting on the cake). But It is first and foremost, Christ Himself! Living for us and through us that we are so blessed to be The Church! Yes all these are the Church and it is so much more, but these are the things that spoke to me today’